Playlist vom 27.07.2024: Electro Royale auf ByteFM. 20 - 22 Uhr

Electro Royale #861

Artist Track Album Label Zeit

1. Andrey Exx & TuraniQa Si To Si Exx Chill – Summer Afro Melodic Compilation Exx Chill 00:40
2. DJ Hell Life Is Life Life Is Life Duatrecords 06:56
3. C.I.T. Moonstruck Moonstruck Spoiler 14:45
4. Stephan Zovsky Malevelon Creek (Mark Synth Remix) Super-Earth Remixes Sueslide 21:24
5. Synkro Holding On Changes Apollo 27:13
6. Nosaj Thing Lords Drift Alpha Pup Records 32:24
7. Nosaj Thing & Jacques Greene RB3 RB3 Luckyme 35:63
8. Ivory Be Human 20 Years Systematic Recordings Vol. 2 Systematic Recordings 39:45
9. Dusty Kid Minesweeper 20 Years Systematic Recordings Vol. 2 Systematic Recordings 45:47
10. Vasyl Anto Untitled Vision Inshi 50:45
11. Dominik Eulberg Björn Borkenkäfer Heimische Gefilde Traum Schallplatten 56:10
12. Malandra Jr. Abrakadabra Abrakadabra Stil Vor Talent 62:17
13. Eli & Fur Missing You Dreamscapes PIAS 68:33
14. Hannah Laing I Need It More I Need It More Polydor 72:16
15. Brijean Counting Sheep Macro Ghostly 77:08
16. Brijean Working On It Macro Ghostly 81:16
17. Mindchatter Corporate Shakespeare (Azzecca Remix) Corporate Shakespeare Ninja Tune 84:32
18. Detroit’s Filthiest Killer Instinct Hell Hath No Fury EP Motor City Electro Company 90:24
19. Marco Florio & Vladimir Bellow Epic Dream Life Dear Deer Records 94:57
20. Paul Kalkbrenner Feature Me (Michael Mayer Remix) Paul Kalkbrenner Reworks Bpitch Control 101:28
21. Atmos Blaq & Kali Mija I Tried Baye Baye Rise 108:32
22. Jamin Kalypso Lost Treasures Yion 114:58